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Do we really need a warm coat for November?

When I left town a couple of weeks ago, I had no idea that it was so late in the season. After all, this is Texas where the weather rarely gets cold before Christmas and then only for less than a day. Snow may come in on the wind from the north, fluttering about during a late season football game, but by midafternoon the next day, we’ll be leaving our jackets in the back of the car, our warm hats on the pews at church, and our gloves in the baskets at the grocery store.

Thanksgiving! So soon?

We officially call for ONE day to be thankful each year. Wow, are we falling short! We should have a daily Thanksgiving! Not just one in November that is overshadowed by Halloween decorations in October, skipping to Christmas decor Nov. 1 through Dec. 25. Why don’t we have huge thank you displays in pretty fall colors? And why do we rush Christmas commercialism instead of daily celebrating the real reason for the season? I am guilty of following the crowd, although I have boycotted Black Friday since 1988.