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The Woodson News:

Wed, 04/28/2021 - 5:00 am

Hannah Green had a successful kidney transplant! That’s wonderful news! She competed in her event at the regional meet and then was called to Houston. She remains in our prayers but all went well.

Hanna Miller is headed to STATE! She advanced in all three of her events in the regional meet! Congratulations, Hanna Miller!

The FFA Homesite and Land teams will be gone most of the week as they travel to STATE, as well! Good luck to Wesley Mills, Sam Mills, Gevin Beauchamp, Ella Hearne, Kacey Pate, Myia Jackson, Kylie Deaton, and Emmari Munoz.

In golf, Nathan Malcuit was 5th high individual at the regional contest!! Congratulations, Nathan!

And, let’s not forget rodeo and Woodson’s Champion Heeler: Brody Mathiews! Just a sophomore and already a champ!

And, the first round of STAAR tests have been completed.

I am so very proud of all of our students.

BLOOD DRIVE May 4th! Walk ins welcome! Woodson ISD parking lot!

Two weeks until the 4th Annual Community-Wide Garage Sale on May 8th! Y’all plan on coming to shop! It will be Saturday ONLY from 8 AM until 2 PM! Call 940-345-6783 to get put on the map or email at tacylte@gmail. com ! Carroll Bandy, Misty Powell, Stephanie at Ada’s house, and at our house we have Mathiews, Deaton, Ellis 2.0, and one more. Put your own sign at the post office, if you prefer. It’s free to be on the map.

Let’s keep singing to these April birthdays: Madison Yarger! Ada Smith! Joel Dyer! Danna Miller! Gary Sullivan! Johnny Vickers! Teddy Clark! Spencer Clark! Tobi Nowell! AJ Clark! Happy Birthday to you! And, many more!

Please pray for healing and health of Ada Smith, Hank Lawson, Danny Bellah, Alene Forrest, Aletha Creech, Resa Deaton, Burl Moses, Linda Northam, Thora and Paul Thurn, Pam Allen, Ray Lipps, Pig McWhorter, Earlene Bellah, Dale Deaton, Sr., June and Arliss, my Aunt Ruth Ann, Donice Neely, and Jay Gage. Please add Pam Butler to our list, as she will have knee surgery in the near future.

And, pray for Baylee Gray, as her sweet little “Gyp” dog has gone missing.

Prayers for our military personnel.

Prayers for medical staff and caregivers.

The youth of the FBC in Woodson are raising money for summer camp. They are selling tickets for a drawing to win all sorts of prizes.

Fellowship of Christian Anybodies, @7:30 AM, every Wednesday, in Mrs. Mills’ room.

The awards ceremony is May 13th! Lots of awards!

STAAR Tests remaining: May 4-Algebra, May 5-US History, May 6-Biology, May 11- Math 3-8, May 12-Reading 3-8, May 13-Science 5-8, May 17-Social Studies 8th.

Congratulations to all the kids who make the news each week! Your community loves you whether you do or you don’t!

(PS: Only 14 more days of WISD school!)

I drove a lot this week. The best part is seeing all of the wildflowers. They bring the colors of the world to life. In one view, I saw Bluebonnets, the light purple vervain, the yellow and the pink “buttercups,” the salmon-colored Paint Brushes, the yellow red and browns of the Indian Blankets, the fuchsia colored Paint Brushes and white “Butterfly Weed.” All looked so beautiful together, on their background of green.

Sorta how people come together and each contribute to the beauty around them.