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Woodson News: Never enough...

Wed, 06/01/2022 - 5:00 am

Happy Birthday to you: Jeanne Reynolds, Dan Barlow, Hanna Miller, Jackie Butler, Grant Michaels, Amanda Butler and Bradley Horry.

Just look at the anniversaries: Debby & Bobby Mathiews, Cary & Meredith Mathiews, Gary and Michelle Mathiews, Thora and Paul Thurn, Drew and Nicole Ellis!

There will be a DOUBLE baby shower at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 5 for Mr. and Mrs. Dusty O’Dell, and Mr. and Mrs. Dillon O’Dell. The babies are due in July and September, respectively. The shower will take place at the First Christian Church. Congratulations to all!

Produce! There will be a produce stand downtown Woodson, again this week! Glenna’s Garden will have fresh produce available for purchase, but be quick! He sold out in just one hour this week. Watch for signs – it will be at 9 a.m. Saturday. Throughout the summer they will have peas, okra, tomatoes and all sorts of goodies! Come support the farmers! And, feed your family better! They will set up by the old pine stump! Come, and EAT MORE VEGETABLES!

Please continue prayers for Doris Walters, Alene Forest, JerriAnn Cornett, Jeanne Reynolds, Danny Bellah, Keith Boyd, Travis Gober, Earlene Bellah, Ted Wright, Tom Hudson, Terry Redwine, Jean and Thomas Brockman, Janetha Venekamp, Arliss and June, Caroline Tate, Linda Northam, Meshell Bellah Brown, Terry Beale, Butch Hinkle, Charlotta Hamilton, Janice Devenport, LB and Barbara, Dale Deaton, Sr., Pam Allen, Kathy Bellah, Jeanine Herrington, Thora and Paul Thurn, Stephen Miles, Johnny Stoker, Sharon Gober,Butch Timms, Nancy McKenzie, Ressa and Ruby, Roger Weeks, and Skip Hayworth.

There will be a 4th of July BLOWOUT THIS YEAR! Contact Amber Boland for information: 940-521-1687.

Throckmorton Pioneer Day is Saturday, June 11 – From gunfights to vendors, you won’t be disappointed!

Father’s Day is coming!

This summer at school, the Old Gym Theater is receiving a renovation! New paint, new flooring, new windows, new AC, new doors, new lighting, new stage lighting and clothes racks in the prop room! Exciting! But we have to hurry! There’s not enough summer!

Also, there will be STAAR tutoring and retesting.

I believe there is open gym in case there’s not enough to do.

Teachers are working on master’s degrees to be able to better serve our students.

The classrooms are being cleaned top to bottom, the floors will be waxed, and repairs made.

Only nine weeks of summer remain for teachers. Definitely not enough! Ten for students. Enjoy every moment! They are sliding by.

I want to brag on the kids who helped put out about 700 flags at Throckmorton County cemeteries. On Thursday, 14 Woodson students came to the Woodson Cemetery to place 200 flags on the graves of veterans. On Friday, seven Woodson students and one Throckmorton student placed flags on the graves of veterans in the Throckmorton Cemetery, the Elbert Cemetery and the Keeter Cemetery. It was an honor to work beside these kids placing the flags.

This is an activity that should be willingly completed and these kids were willing. I wish more could have been there. There is a reason we have what we do in America, and that reason is the men and women who died to defend our country and the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities that come along with being an American. These veterans should never be forgotten. I hope next year that adults and students alike want to place flags.

When I stayed with my grandma and my great uncle during the summer, vacation began before the end of May. I would arrive in Pennsylvania and the first weekend was Memorial Day. Grandma packed sandwiches for the day and made a jug of tea. We headed out right after the cows went to pasture. We went to the different cemeteries where relatives were buried and we cleaned debris and planted flowers to honor those who had gone before. We cleaned as many as we could in the time we had before returning to the farm for evening milking.

This week as I placed the flags, I said the names aloud and thanked each for their service. It seems like it is not near enough for what I have been given.